Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Book Shirts

Sports fans have their jerseys, fangirls have their hot topic shirts but what do us book worms have to show our love of literature? The answer is book shirts. My favorite place to get these is out of print clothing. I love their Great Gatsby (one of my favorite books) sweatshirt. I got it as a present and wear it practically everyday. It's so comfortable, and pairs great with black skinny jeans. Book shirts and sweatshirts are a great way to display your favorite book cover as a work of art. I'd recommend them to anyone who loves both books and clothing.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Homemade Bubble Bath

 Is there anything more relaxing then a warm bubble bath and a stack of magazines? Not that I know of.
Bubble bath is one of the easiest home spa things you can make but it never occurred to me how simple it is until I ran out of bubble bath yesterday. I used the first recipe.

The recipe is incredibly simple with it's only ingredients being being mild hand soap, honey and egg whites. It was as good as or better than what you would buy at the store.

Making it only took about a minute but it was way easier than running out to get some. I'm sure if you wanted to add a scent you could use a drop of essential oil or another natural scent.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Frozen Castle

 Here are some mind blowing photos taken by Alexia Sinclair in a frozen castle. The castle was located just outside of Stockholm and had been left untouched since the 17th century.
                                                              Frozen Castle Pictures

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories

 I am absolutely in love with this book by Tim Burton. This book features 23 poems accompanied by brilliant drawings, some more gruesome than others. Every poem talks about a different character, each  an outcast in their own way. There is a wide variety of characters, but from Stain Boy to Voodoo girl you are sure to love them all. The book shows both the ugly side of exclusion and the resilience of the human spirit [or in the case of this book the oyster spirit].  The book is a Tim Burton take on the island of misfit toys and a must read.

Origami Lotus

 I've always been daunted by origami but these origami lotuses are super easy to make and pretty. It is perfect for beginners.

About This Blog

 This blog is supposed to be a life style blog (think Cupcakes and Cashmere or Lemon Strips) but with a younger voice (and cheaper clothing). I want to post about a wide variety of topics ranging from fashion to home decor. I will try to make sure this blog doesn't stray in an childish or an old lady-like direction.

 My goal with this is to try to create a blog with a wide variety of topics that seem within reach of the average person. Such as DIY projects that are do able and clothing that doesn't break the bank. I also wanted to share some secrets and recipes i've learned from my ten years as a vegetarian.