Wednesday, June 18, 2014

It's Kind of a Funny Story

It's Kind of a Funny Story (by Ned Vizzini) is a book about a a ambitious teenager, Craig Gilner who suffers from depresion due to the stress of his school (Executive Pre-Profesional High School). He stops eating, sleeping and one night he attempts suicide. This gets him checked into a mental hospital. And like any good mental hospital it has its characters, some of them outgoing others more reclusive. The hospital offers Craig a place to confront and fix his problems.

Some people who had read this book said it was dull, yet truthful. I personally liked it. I found it to be an engaging story. It was a nice journey to watch Craig grow and change as a person. The begging where he is explaining how he got to where he is is a bit tedious but it is necessary. It was a nice book to listen to while I cleaned and gardened.  I'd recommend it to anyone who has ever had depression or just has some extra time on hand.

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