Thursday, May 15, 2014

Greek Lemon Soup

 Light airy foods have always been my favorites. And with spring upon us I thought I might share one of my all time favorite soup recipes. I use the recipe from the Joy of Cooking (if you do not own it than I highly recommend that you buy it, it has a recipe on almost everything).

The total cooking time was about a half an hour, only because you have to cook the rice for 20 minuets. To make it vegetarian I switched out the chicken broth for a vegetable alternative. Some people find that 1/4 cup of lemon juice makes it to sour but others think it is the perfect amount, so use at your own risk.

 It is delicious served with a light salad and french bread for dipping. It really is a very simple recipe so I recommend it to even the worst chefs.

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