Saturday, May 24, 2014

Resolution #1

   Our modern lives are so chaotic. With daily responsibilities like work (or school), chores and social functions, we have little free time. And with the little free time we have we spend watching television or on social media. Every waking minuet of our lives is consumed by something, be it our responsibilities or technology. My new resolution is to take an hour a day to do something non electronic I enjoy doing. Activities such as taking a bike ride, drawing, or just sitting on the patio reflecting. My new motto is to:
Will you really remember that afternoon you sat watching television? Probably not, you're much more likely to remember that night you wen't stargazing. It's important to stand back and appreciate our lives. This is my first resolution on my quest to live life to the fullest and appreciate the small joys in life. 

(My boots covered in dew after a dawn walk)


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