Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

  Our moms have done so much for us. For starters they carried us for nine months (I don't understand why anyone has kids). After we were born they cleaned our dirty diapers and taught us to speak. They made sure that we had morals and were responsible for our actions. They were a shoulder to cry on when we scraped our knee or the boy we liked asked another girl to homecoming. They were always there for us, through thick and thin. They still loved us when we screamed "I hate you" and slammed the door in their face. They worked non stop trying to balance their jobs, cooking, cleaning and us. Some of them might have had to give up their dreams for us. And sometimes we take all they do for granted. This is all we have known them to do, and all we assume them to do. So take some time today to tell your mother how much you love and appreciate her.


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